How I Work With Trauma

How I Work With Trauma

Julie Nachman, Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Psychotherapist describes the tenets of her Mind/Body-Based approach to PTSD/ Trauma Exposure by using the game of Pick-Up-Sticks.

Julie uses a technique called Somatic Experiential Psychotherapy - this is a Mind/Body-Based approach to trauma resolution. Often trauma exposure or PTSD can leave a person feeling overwhelmed and disorganized. Julie and her clients work towards processing aspects of trauma in a safe and body-centered way. Oftentimes this approach can result in reduction of symptoms like depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc.

Together, Julie and her clients work towards creating a safe way to explore sensations and emotions that were once overwhelming. Clients build-up internal resources, increase their resiliency (or ability to bounce back after distressing events), restore a sense of safety and resolve trauma.

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